Mixed Martial Arts Fighting Systems

Fighting systems in martial arts differ from one another. You can’t compare one system with the other because there is no specific objective or standard format for doing so. The systems have their own fighting techniques, methods, and goals. The capacity and ability of the individual to learn various fighting systems will determine his success in the upcoming game matches.

A person’s body is one of the aspects of most fighting systems. Aside from that, the systems also give value to spiritual and philosophical ideals. The Chinese, Korean, and Japanese fighting systems follow the principles of Confusion. There are certain systems which are sports oriented and they follow unique rules which may contradict that of the rules of other systems. Some very good examples are Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and Washu. Reality based or systems which emphasize self defense include Kombato, Jeet Kune Do, and Defendo. Martial arts have different forms and each has its own set of goals and so it can be very difficult to compare them.

However, it’s possible to asses the value of martial arts in teaching fighting disciplines. Some systems focus on unarmed combat while other systems focus on using particular weapons; others focus in self defense, escaping from harm, etc.

Try to find out about the goals of a particular fighting system and use that to assess if the fighting techniques being taught are effective. Observe two forms of martial arts while their players fight each other. One player may be good in hand fighting while the other player has his or her own expertise. When they fight, take note of the effective movements when they were executed. Sparring sessions between different fighting systems is an excellent way to determine the better techniques to se during matches. The UFC allows fighters from different systems to compete with each other. Limited rules are followed to ensure the safety of the players. After the UFC, many other organizations with similar goals entered the world scene.

Cross trainings are now possible through MMA. Fighters of MMA believe in one thing – which is to learn various fighting systems or disciplines. Today, many individuals prefer to fight with fighters from other systems but they no longer want to enter the competitions of the UFC and other organizations. Students fight with other students to prove who is more superior. Teachers don’t encourage this kind of fighting but in reality, it does happen. If you’re a responsible individual, you will not take part in the illegal fights because you might get injured. If you want to fight, join legal competitions.

You can also use mixed martial arts are your personal workout routine. You see, MMA is not just for fighting with other players but it’s also about keeping the body fit and healthy. Once you learn various MMA techniques, incorporate them in your daily workout. Your body needs regular exercise or workout and by doing the various styles or techniques, you’re already providing your body with the needed workout. Also, don’t forget to eat a balanced diet because makes your body stronger. The body needs energy and it comes from the foods you eat; so eat better to live better.

You can’t learn all the fighting systems used in mixed martial arts in a very short time. Just pick the ones you think are effective and enroll in their classes.