Mixed Martial Arts and Snow Training

Some MMA trainings that improve a person’s skills in mixed martial arts involve the weather. It is more commonly called as weatherized training. There are trainees who feel lazy to start the day because of the time and weather but you should not be like them. Whatever environment you’re in, try using it to your advantage. Cardio workouts and training can be effectively carried out when there is snow or when it’s raining. Snow training is becoming more and more popular because it is an excellent tool to improve the fighting skills in the MMA.

Hitting a drop of rain or snowflake takes a lot of speed and timing. By learning the basics of boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts, you can become a better fighter.

Here’s a very good exercise. When it’s snowing lightly, try to punch or hit falling snowflakes. In order to hit many snowflakes, you can use uppercut moves, hook, cross, or jab. This is an excellent cardio workout. Just make sure that you don’t do Thai kicks because you might fall. The ground is slippery and so you might end up on the ground if you execute push and house kicks. Make sure that you don’t get injured. By doing round kicks, you can shear your knees. You see, when you do the move on air without actually hitting someone, you will retract the force and by doing so, your knees can get injured.

Aside from uppercut, hook, cross, and jab, you can also do overhand movements, eye pokes, backfist, and any other movement of the above your body but don’t do eye jabs. You can also use your knees to hit the snowflakes but you should avoid jumping knees or skip knees. How will you do the routine? Here’s how:

For beginners, you should do the snow training in about ten minutes. Try to start by doing the exercise for one minute and have another minute off. For intermediate players, you can do this exercise in for ten minutes; two minutes on and followed by thirty minutes off. After finishing the ten minutes snow training, you should do fifteen push ups in two sets and fifteen squats, also in two sets. Advanced players can do the exercise for three minutes on and followed by fifteen minutes off. After the ten minutes allotted time for hitting or punching snowflakes, you should do thirty push ups and squats, both divided into three sets.

If you’re after hardcore training, this is an excellent workout for you. Although it may seem very easy, you will find it a bit difficult. The real situation is different from reading these instructions. Snowflakes will not wait until you hit them; the force of gravity will pull them to the ground and you should be able to hit them on mid air.

Many fighters in the MMA have already tried snow training. It is good for improving speed and timing. When you’re already fighting in a match, you will need these two skills in order to execute your movements properly. Well of course, don’t forget to learn about various fighting techniques and styles. Find the best instructors in your area today and learn as many techniques as you can.

Mixed martial arts are not as easy as you think. If you think that the trainings are tough, it is much tougher during the actual matches.